Saturday, April 3, 2010

10 Minute Prompt: Write about your favorite time of day

The sun slips larger and redder by the moment, closer and closer to the horizon until it kisses, lips flaring to touch the edge of the earth, and redder still begins to sink into the place that I can't follow just yet. The sky is molten lead around the line of the land, a slow fade into impossibly purple sky where Venus and Arcturus show us the way into the darkness. All of the land seems sucked, pulled toward the edge, where the last of the light is slipping away like the finger tips of the drowning man slipping underwater for the third time. Cicadas change into crickets. Hummingbirds trade places with moths, raccoons take over for squirrels, deer run across the road, coyotes yip their greetings to the new night.

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