Saturday, June 5, 2010

10 Minute Prompt: Get Really Serious about something we usually dismiss as ridiculous

Whistle me up. I was talking the other day with someone who said he never learned to whistle. I felt it was unfair that I had learned to whistle in 3 different ways. I immediately wanted to give him one of my whistles. But I couldn't quite figure it out. Instead I shared with him my self honed skills and how I had learned each. He said whistling would come in handy and that he thought he would like to be able to whistle just in case he needed it someday. I stepped close to him and told him about my cute little bird imitation that I use sometimes just to get people to look around for the bird in the theater. Even as I whistled the little bird up, his eyes darted to catch it's corporeal counterpart. Then the childhood whistle with puckered lips that makes people laugh at the sight. Then the loud, obnoxious sport game whistle, really only 2 tones that deafens anyone standing withing arm's length. Then he told me of the whistle he used to talk to his aunt's cockatoo. He whistled a soft, airy sound, like a fairy beckoning you into a circle of magic.

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